As per the information released by the Queensland Government on 25 May 2020 Industry COVID Safe Plans will be developed by industry for industry.
The purpose of the plans are to help businesses and organisations in your industry show the health authorities and the community that they operate safely and can service more customers than outlined in the roadmap.
Interaction Between Approved Covid Safe Industry Plans
If there are multiple activities being undertaken at a venue/facility (for example – dining, sports, approved training courses, fitness or recreational), several approved industry plans may apply. If this is the case, the following will apply:
The approved Industry plans are located at www.COVID19.qld.gov.au.
Contact Sports and Non- Contact Sports make up of Indoor Sports Group:
Primarily our non- contact sports participants often do not face each other and operate easily with social distancing compliance in large open areas.
Contact Sports – participants do face each other, and incidental and full contact does occur with participants.
Indoor Sports operating in school environments (community sport) will return when school restrictions allow, will be required to adhere to the Department of Education’s operating guidelines for community use of schools.
Stage 3 – allows for the resumption of contact in play areas during normal competition. Social distancing in all other zones.
Each individual sport will complete a sport specific COVID safe operational plan to meet Chief Health Officer requirements and noting points approved and outlined in this Indoor Sport submission.
1. Introduction
The purpose of this COVID-19 Safety Plan (Plan) is to provide an overarching plan for the implementation and management of procedures by Whitsunday Kyokushin Karate Club Proserpine (WKKCP) to support Whitsunday Kyokushin Karate Club Proserpine and its members and participants in the staged resumption of community sport and club activities.
The arrangements set out in this Plan are intended to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 among members, participants, coaches, officials, administrators/volunteers, visitors, families, and the broader community. The Plan provides the framework to govern the general operation of the WKKCP, any facilities it controls, the playing/training behaviour of all members and participants and the monitoring and reporting of the health of attendees at WKKCP facilities.
This Plan includes, but is not limited to, the conduct of:
2. Key Principles (Return to Play Considerations)
This Plan is based on, and accepts, the AIS Framework for Rebooting Sport in a COVID-19 Environment (AIS Framework) and the National Principles for the Resumption of Sport and Recreation Activities (National Principles) and the World Karate Federation’s COVID 19: WKF Guidelines and Recommendations published 11 June 2020. (Available: http://www.karate.ch/wp-content/uploads/WKF-COVID-Guidelines-June-2020.pdf)
This staged approach is in line with directions from the Queensland Government’s Chief Health Officer, specifically Queensland’s Roadmap to easing restrictions.
The Plan also accepts as key principles that:
3. Responsibilities under this Plan
WKKP retains the overall responsibility for the effective management and implementation of the return to sport activities and operations outlined in this Plan for activities directly managed by the WKKCP.
The Executive Committee of WKKCP is responsible for:
Name : Wayne Hinschen
Contact Email : wayne.hinschen@bigpond.com
Contact Number : 0407 139 083
WKKCP expects all members, participants, coaches, officials, administrative staff and volunteers to:
4. Return to Sport Arrangements
As at 22nd of March 2020, participants are training at Level A (Stage 1) of the AIS Framework.
This Plan outlines specific sport requirements that the WKKCP will implement for Level B (Stage 2) and Level C (Stage 3) of the Queensland Roadmap to easing restrictions. The Roadmap can be viewed at the following website:
WKKCP will transition to the training activity and facility use as outlined in Level B of the AIS Framework and the training/competition activities and facility use outlined in Level C of the AIS Framework when permitted under local restrictions and regulations.
4.1 AIS Framework Arrangements
The protocols for conducting sport operations and facility operations under Level B and Level C of the AIS Framework are set out in the Appendix.
4.2 Roadmap to a COVID Safe Australia
WKKCP will also comply with the Australian government’s Roadmap to a COVIDSafe Australia, which places limits on the type of activity that can be conducted and the number of people who can gather at facilities, notwithstanding the activities permitted by the AIS Framework (see below).
AIS Activities
Level A:
Stage 1
Training in no more than pairs. Physical distancing required.
Level B:
Stage 2
Indoor/outdoor activity. Training in small groups up to 10. Physical distancing required.
Level C:
Stage 3
Full sporting activity (training and competition) allowed. No restriction on numbers. Contact allowed.
Roadmap Activities
Level A:
Training at home
From 22nd March 2020
Level B:
Step 1:
No indoor activity. Outdoor sport (up to 10 people) consistent with AIS Framework.
From 15th May 2020
Step 2:
Indoor/outdoor sport up to 20 people. Physical distancing (density 4m2).
Start from 12th of June 2020
Level C:
Step 3:
Venues allowed to operate with up to 100 people with physical distancing. Community sport expansion to be considered consistent with AIS Framework.
Further steps TBC
Start from 10th of July 2020
5. Recovery
When public health officials determine that the outbreak has ended in the local community, WKKCP will consult with relevant authorities to identify criteria for scaling back its COVID-19 prevention actions. WKKCP will also consider which protocols can remain to optimise good public and participant health.
At this time the Executive Committee of WKKCP will consult with key stakeholders to review the delivery of its return to sport arrangements and use feedback to improve organisational plans and systems.
Outline of Return to Sport Arrangements
WKKCP will follow the indoor sports covid safe industry plan at all times making adjustments to club operations as necessary.
Available: https://www.covid19.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0026/134765/covid-safe-industry-plan-indoor-sports-groups.pdf?nocache-v5
Covid safe training may consist of the following requirements:
Further information and advice is available for organisations, in the Return to Play guide provided on the Return to Play website. The guide will continue to be updated by the Department of Housing and Public Works (Sport and Recreation).
Corona Virus anxiety link: (Adults) – Ref Australian Psychological Society
https://www.tenpin.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/20APS-IS-COVID-19- Public-Older_adults-1.pdf
Further industry specific training will be developed and provided by the Active Queenslanders Industry Alliance.
More information can be found at Work Safe Australia
As per the information released by the Queensland Government on 25 May 2020 Industry COVID Safe Plans will be developed by industry for industry.
The purpose of the plans are to help businesses and organisations in your industry show the health authorities and the community that they operate safely and can service more customers than outlined in the roadmap.
Interaction Between Approved Covid Safe Industry Plans
If there are multiple activities being undertaken at a venue/facility (for example – dining, sports, approved training courses, fitness or recreational), several approved industry plans may apply. If this is the case, the following will apply:
- Where there is clear separation between the activities (e.g. dining and sport) the relevant plan applies to the relevant area. A COVID Safe Statement of Compliance for the appropriate plan will be displayed in each area. Providers that have opted-in to comply with the relevant Industry COVID Safe Plan in stage 2 may continue to display the Statement of Compliance previously
- Where the activities cross over (for example amenities, entry/exits, carparks):
- Where possible these areas of cross over will be minimised. Such as designating a particular entry, exit, amenities and carpark for each
- Where the cross over cannot be minimised, a decision will be made as to which plan takes priority in which common area and will be
- For example, the entry, exit, carpark and amenities may be common to both activities and will be managed under the dining
- In this case the entity responsible for the dining plan will ensure these areas are appropriately managed and the separate groups from the dining and sport activity will not intermingle.
The approved Industry plans are located at www.COVID19.qld.gov.au.
Contact Sports and Non- Contact Sports make up of Indoor Sports Group:
Primarily our non- contact sports participants often do not face each other and operate easily with social distancing compliance in large open areas.
Contact Sports – participants do face each other, and incidental and full contact does occur with participants.
Indoor Sports operating in school environments (community sport) will return when school restrictions allow, will be required to adhere to the Department of Education’s operating guidelines for community use of schools.
Stage 3 – allows for the resumption of contact in play areas during normal competition. Social distancing in all other zones.
Each individual sport will complete a sport specific COVID safe operational plan to meet Chief Health Officer requirements and noting points approved and outlined in this Indoor Sport submission.
1. Introduction
The purpose of this COVID-19 Safety Plan (Plan) is to provide an overarching plan for the implementation and management of procedures by Whitsunday Kyokushin Karate Club Proserpine (WKKCP) to support Whitsunday Kyokushin Karate Club Proserpine and its members and participants in the staged resumption of community sport and club activities.
The arrangements set out in this Plan are intended to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 among members, participants, coaches, officials, administrators/volunteers, visitors, families, and the broader community. The Plan provides the framework to govern the general operation of the WKKCP, any facilities it controls, the playing/training behaviour of all members and participants and the monitoring and reporting of the health of attendees at WKKCP facilities.
This Plan includes, but is not limited to, the conduct of:
- staged training and competition activities (sport operations); and
- facility management and supporting operations (facility operations).
2. Key Principles (Return to Play Considerations)
This Plan is based on, and accepts, the AIS Framework for Rebooting Sport in a COVID-19 Environment (AIS Framework) and the National Principles for the Resumption of Sport and Recreation Activities (National Principles) and the World Karate Federation’s COVID 19: WKF Guidelines and Recommendations published 11 June 2020. (Available: http://www.karate.ch/wp-content/uploads/WKF-COVID-Guidelines-June-2020.pdf)
This staged approach is in line with directions from the Queensland Government’s Chief Health Officer, specifically Queensland’s Roadmap to easing restrictions.
The Plan also accepts as key principles that:
- The health and safety of members, participants, coaches, officials, administrators/volunteers, visitors, families and the broader community is the number one priority;
- Members, participants, coaches, officials, administrators/volunteers, families and the broader community need to be engaged and briefed on WKKCP’s return to sport plans;
- Facilities are assessed and appropriate plans are developed to accommodate upgraded hygiene protocols, physical distancing and other measures to mitigate the risk of transmission of COVID-19;
- Training cannot resume until the arrangements for sport operations and facility operations are finalised and approved, if necessary; and
- At every stage of the return to sport process WKKCP must consider and apply all applicable State and Territory Government and local restrictions and regulations. WKKCP needs to be prepared for any localised outbreak at our facilities, within our competitions or in the local community.
3. Responsibilities under this Plan
WKKP retains the overall responsibility for the effective management and implementation of the return to sport activities and operations outlined in this Plan for activities directly managed by the WKKCP.
The Executive Committee of WKKCP is responsible for:
- Approving the Plan and overseeing the implementation of the arrangements in the Plan for WKKCP; and
- Revising the Plan as required, ensuring it reflects up to date information from government and public health officials and seeking approval from Queensland Health regarding amendments.
Name : Wayne Hinschen
Contact Email : wayne.hinschen@bigpond.com
Contact Number : 0407 139 083
WKKCP expects all members, participants, coaches, officials, administrative staff and volunteers to:
- Comply with the health directions of government and public health authorities as issued from time to time;
- Understand and act in accordance with this Plan as amended from time to time;
- Comply with any testing and precautionary measures implemented by WKKCP;
- Act with honesty and integrity in regard to the state of their personal health and any potential symptoms; and
- Monitor their health and take a cautious approach to self-isolation and reporting of potential symptoms.
4. Return to Sport Arrangements
As at 22nd of March 2020, participants are training at Level A (Stage 1) of the AIS Framework.
This Plan outlines specific sport requirements that the WKKCP will implement for Level B (Stage 2) and Level C (Stage 3) of the Queensland Roadmap to easing restrictions. The Roadmap can be viewed at the following website:
WKKCP will transition to the training activity and facility use as outlined in Level B of the AIS Framework and the training/competition activities and facility use outlined in Level C of the AIS Framework when permitted under local restrictions and regulations.
4.1 AIS Framework Arrangements
The protocols for conducting sport operations and facility operations under Level B and Level C of the AIS Framework are set out in the Appendix.
4.2 Roadmap to a COVID Safe Australia
WKKCP will also comply with the Australian government’s Roadmap to a COVIDSafe Australia, which places limits on the type of activity that can be conducted and the number of people who can gather at facilities, notwithstanding the activities permitted by the AIS Framework (see below).
AIS Activities
Level A:
Stage 1
Training in no more than pairs. Physical distancing required.
Level B:
Stage 2
Indoor/outdoor activity. Training in small groups up to 10. Physical distancing required.
Level C:
Stage 3
Full sporting activity (training and competition) allowed. No restriction on numbers. Contact allowed.
Roadmap Activities
Level A:
Training at home
From 22nd March 2020
Level B:
Step 1:
No indoor activity. Outdoor sport (up to 10 people) consistent with AIS Framework.
From 15th May 2020
Step 2:
Indoor/outdoor sport up to 20 people. Physical distancing (density 4m2).
Start from 12th of June 2020
Level C:
Step 3:
Venues allowed to operate with up to 100 people with physical distancing. Community sport expansion to be considered consistent with AIS Framework.
Further steps TBC
Start from 10th of July 2020
5. Recovery
When public health officials determine that the outbreak has ended in the local community, WKKCP will consult with relevant authorities to identify criteria for scaling back its COVID-19 prevention actions. WKKCP will also consider which protocols can remain to optimise good public and participant health.
At this time the Executive Committee of WKKCP will consult with key stakeholders to review the delivery of its return to sport arrangements and use feedback to improve organisational plans and systems.
Outline of Return to Sport Arrangements
WKKCP will follow the indoor sports covid safe industry plan at all times making adjustments to club operations as necessary.
Available: https://www.covid19.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0026/134765/covid-safe-industry-plan-indoor-sports-groups.pdf?nocache-v5
Covid safe training may consist of the following requirements:
- Mandatory training provided by TAFE Queensland for all staff in industries requiring a COVID Safe checklist. See the COVID Safe Businesses website for more
- Any training that has been approved or outlined by Queensland Health.
- Any training as outlined by a Peak Body or State Level Organisation specifically relevant to the activity:
Further information and advice is available for organisations, in the Return to Play guide provided on the Return to Play website. The guide will continue to be updated by the Department of Housing and Public Works (Sport and Recreation).
Corona Virus anxiety link: (Adults) – Ref Australian Psychological Society
https://www.tenpin.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/20APS-IS-COVID-19- Public-Older_adults-1.pdf
Further industry specific training will be developed and provided by the Active Queenslanders Industry Alliance.
More information can be found at Work Safe Australia
- https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/covid-19-information- workplaces/industry-information/general-industry-information/physical?tab=tab- toc-employer)

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