Australian Open Kyokushin Championship
20th Aug. 2017
Heavy weight class 1ST Victory for Franke
Duane Franke and Jacob Farrell proudly represented the Whitsunday Kyokushin Club Proserpine at the 41st Annual Australian Open Full Contact Karate Championships in Sydney on August 20th. This prestigious event lures in some of Australia's best to bash it out for the title of their division. Shihan Wayne Hinschen said "There was no stopping Duane Frank from taking out the competitors in his class. Duane did exactly what he was taught to do. He fought with precision and overpowered the opponents in each round quickly with his devastating low kicks." Duane's last fight kept his supporters on the edge of the seat. It was a nail-biting challenging fight, and towards the end of round three Duane stepped it up a gear with strong body punches and strong lower kicks that took out his opponent." Jacob Farrell had some tough competition as he moved up into the Colts class that brought a whole new level of competition for him. Jacob fought well but was eliminated. |